Have a profound immersion with Ayahuasca, Huachuma and Kambo with a safe
guidance and support

Ayahuasca Retreat in Sacred Valley
• For private retreats (min 2 pp 3/5 days) contact us​
Mar, 04-11, 2025
May, 6-13, 2025
Jul, 08-15, 2025
Sep, 09-16, 2025
Nov, 11-18, 2025
1,800 US$ per person
(flight tickets not included).
The payment will be collected in US$ cash on the first day of the retreat.

Our retreats combine different plant medicines for those who seek a responsible way of elevating their self awareness and consciousness. We have crafted a retreat that help facilitate and encourage self transformation.
The sacred medicine of Ayahuasca sheds light into your reality and shows you what you need to heal, and/or integrate in order to transcend onto higher levels of expanded awareness and harmony. We will also have the cleansing power of Kámbo (optional), the gentle guidance of Huachuma, the meditative breathwork and the centering power of Rapé.
We have been facilitating ceremonies for more than 20 years and the experience that we have gained has given us the confidence to provide a space that is both safe and nurturing.
With the encouragement of the people around you, the stability of the facilitators, and the guidance of the medicine; you will feel the strength and courage that was always within you, urging you to make the change you’ve been seeking, and although you must take each step on your own, you will not be alone.
Meet the facilitators in about us page

Three ayahuasca ceremonies​
One San Pedro ceremony
Rapé (sacred snuff) as part of ceremonies
excursions (depending on the group and the weather)
day workshop on how to prepare San Pedro
breath work
mindfull practices
group integration after each ceremony
accommodation and transportation
all home-made vegetarian meals throughout the week
transportation from and to the airport (or your hotel) the day we start the retreat and the day we finish
closing ritual
​And much more...
Registration Procedure:
• Fill on the medical form by clicking on the button.
IMPORTANT: Please let us know about any serious medical, psychological or drug dependency problems that you may suffer from.
• Before being accepted, please send us a simple motivation letter
(email) explaining the reasons why you want to attend the Ayahuasca retreat, and please include any previous experiences on your “personal quest” (mystical experiences, participation in religious groups, meditation or other techniques, or use of psychoactive substances).
After we read your motivation letter and your medical form, we will send you an email to confirm your reservation, or ask you for more information if necessary.
• Once we answer you, you will need to buy your flight tickets to Lima and Cusco airport, and send us both flight information (date of arrival, time, flight number and airline) in order to complete the application and secure your spot in the Ayahuasca retreat you have chosen.
​• The payment will be collected in US$ cash on the first day of the retreat. Space is limited so please sign up early to reserve your spot.


San Pedro ceremony is the perfect closure for helping integrate your Ayahuasca experience with one of the most contemplative and heart healing medicine plants in the andes of South America.
San Pedro (Huachuma) is a teacher plant (Grandfather medicine) that will give you the opportunity of stopping the stream of thoughts and reconnect you to the presence that emerge of the stillness of nature.
We will hold a San Pedro Ceremony on the last day of the retreat, lead by facilitators in the community who have extended experience in the use of this teacher plant. A typical daytime ceremony with this heart-opening medicine lasts around 10 hours and is likely a potent transformational experience, involving intuitive insight; it is a perfect complement for the integration of your week long experience with Madre Ayahuasca.

Kambo treatment will be offered after Ayahuasca ceremony to help release emotions and toxins from the body.
The Kambô therapy uses the venom (poison) released by the Giant Monkey Frog (Phyllomedusa bicolor), providing deep healing and a boost for your immune system.
One Kambô session will be included during the retreat for you to try the experience and its benefits. If you would like we can arrange other optional treatments during the retreat.
The session lasts anywhere from 45 min to 90 min depending on the person. The ‘intense’ part lasts anywhere from 5 to 40 min.

Rapé is the general name given to medicines that are grinned into fine powder and then blown into both nostrils. Most rapés are made with tobacco and other ingredients.
Rapé can help us to move the energy that is blocked or when we feel stuck during Ayahuasca ceremonies. The use of Rapé is considered by the indigenous peoples to be therapeutic on multiple levels. On the mental level it is known for clearing the mind, as well as helping to find ones center.
We have been working exclusively with rapé from the yawanawa and Kaxinawa (Huni Kuin) tribes that is prepared with lots of prayers, respect and lots of focused attention and intention to be a helpful medicine. This medicine is composed by sacred tobacco and the ashes of a tree known as tsunú, which is consider to be one of the most used trees as remedy for many ailments.